
Quick Report and Quick International

Quick Report is the largest in Poland database of commercial reports available online.

Quick Reports is an excellent tool enabling verification of the credibility of counterparties, based on data from the InfoCredit database.

Quick Reports are available:

  • online: pdf, xls
  • API: pdf, xls, xml

InfoCredit database

✔ Built since 1990
✔ Contains data about over 3 million companies
✔ Financial data for approx. 600,000 entities
✔ Standardized data presentation format for different variants of financial statements

Quick Report content

✔ Registration data, address and contact details, PKD code, year of incorporation, identification numbers
✔ Company rating and suggested amount of a trade credit (a maximum amount)
✔ Default probability index
✔ Management board, supervisory board, registered holders of commercial power of attorney
✔ Shareholders and the structure of a group of companies with subsidiaries
✔ Financial statements covering the period up to the last 6 years

  • Balance sheet
  • Profit and loss account
  • Cash flow statement

✔ Cross-sectional ratio analysis and sectoral analysis

  • Liquidity, debt, efficiency, as well as capital and asset structure ratios
  • Analysis of ratios against the background of industry ratios

✔ Employment
✔ Auditor, EU projects, import and export data (up to 2016)
✔ Means of transport
✔ White list – taxpayer’s status and bank accounts
✔ Beneficial owners
✔ Company branches

(the list of available items may change depending on the Quick Report version)

Areas of application

KYC, AML, M&A, payment risk assessment, scientific research


Quick International is the largest in Poland website with commercial reports on foreign companies, with immediate online access.

Quick Reports is an excellent tool enabling verification of the credibility of international counterparties.

Quick International reports are available:

  • online: pdf, xls
  • API: pdf, xls, xml

Website description

✔ It contains data about over 300 million foreign companies from more than 150 countries
✔ Financial data is available for most entities – depending on local financial reporting regulations
✔ Standardized data presentation format for different variants of financial statements

Quick International report content

✔ Registration data, address and contact details, PKD (NACE) code, year of incorporation, identification numbers
✔ Company rating and suggested amount of a trade credit (a maximum amount)
✔ Bankruptcy risk indicator
✔ Management boards
✔ Financial statements – for the period covering up to the last 3 years

  • Balance sheet
  • Profit and loss account

✔ Cross-sectional ratio and sectoral analysis

  • Liquidity, debt, efficiency, as well as capital and asset structure ratios

✔ Employment
✔ Auditor

(the list of available items may change depending on local regulations)

Areas of application

KYC, AML, M&A, payment risk assessment


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